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Junior Board

Junior Board of Directors

Meet the Junior Alumni Board


Christina Powell Jackson ’10 | President 
Cortez Bennett ’12 | Vice-President and Chair of the Nominations Committee 
Rebecca White ’15 | Secretary and Communications Chair
Stephanie Strength ’16 | Treasurer and Chair of the Finance/ Scholarship Committee
Breana Mahaffey ’18 | Social Chair
Jacob Guyton ’15 | Professional Development Chair


Morgan Alford ’18
Cowan Angell ’17
Brett Bell ’15
Aaron Binion ’21
Torian Blackburn ’20
Eron Burrell ’20
Brianne Colburn ’11
Bria Hines ’20
Madison Hollon ’20
Dr. Terry Hughston ’10
Amanda Faye Currie King ’16
Javisia Looney ’19
Danielle Parks ’19
Emilee Richards ’18
Haley Smith ’16
Jennifer Steele ’11
Justin Williams ’20
David Wright ’20

Learn more   Junior Alumni Board Application