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Disability-Related Housing or Dietary Requests

Documentation Guidelines for Disability-Related Housing & Dietary Requests

Disability-Related Housing & Dietary Requests – Documentation Guidelines

Documentation should

    • Be from an appropriate medical or treatment professional.
    • Should not be written by a family member.
    • Describe the disability, medical condition or dietary concerns.  If not obvious, the documentation should describe the severity and/or impact of the disability.
    • Provide a recommendation for the housing and/or meal plan accommodation, indicating those that might be preferable versus items that are medically necessary.
    • When appropriate, address how the student will manage the condition or symptoms in settings other than housing, such as in classrooms or the dining hall.

Due to the high incidence of requests based on asthma or allergies, the following information is also required:

    • Describe severity of condition, and any specific triggers (such as heat or exercise-induced asthma, results of allergy testing as relate to foods, or other substances, etc.).
    • Indicate if any of the following conditions have occurred: prior intubation for asthma, past hospital admission for asthma, history of asthma exacerbation requiring emergency care, anaphylactic allergic reactions.

Please use the AAC Portal to complete an application, which must be received along with the appropriate documentation to begin the process.

Please forward documentation or any questions to:
Access and Compliance
University of Montevallo
Station 6250
Montevallo, AL 35155
Phone (205) 665-6250
Fax (205) 665-6255

Disclaimer regarding Documentation

Approval for accommodations at the University does not assure the sufficiency of the documentation for transfer to another institution, or for the standards of various professional/graduate school testing agencies. Documentation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If the documentation provided is deemed insufficient, additional documentation may be requested.  The University has no responsibility for the cost of obtaining such documentation.  If documentation is acceptable, but the University wishes to obtain another opinion, the University reserves the right to request such at its expense.  Final determination of appropriate and reasonable accommodations rests with the University.

 Documentation will be held in a confidential manner.  There are circumstances, allowable under FERPA, which might necessitate that some student disability information be shared with select University officials (if relevant in an emergency or if related to a student grievance).  Court orders, subpoenas or complaints filed outside the University may also result in files provided to Administrators or University counsel.  In any such cases, any University personnel involved will continue to maintain the student’s confidentiality.  Students must sign a AAC release if they wish records to be forwarded to any other institution or agency.  Student files will be kept for a minimum of seven years past the last term of enrollment.