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Greek Alumni Club

This is club seeks to reconnect any alumni who were members of a Greek fraternity or sorority at the University of Montevallo with the UMNAA.

James Wilkinson Greek Loyalty Hall of Fame Award

The James Wilkinson Greek Loyalty Hall of Fame Award was created to honor Greek alumni that have demonstrated their loyalty to the Greek organizations and students of the University of Montevallo. It will be used to honor those alumni that continue to serve as leaders and mentors to their Greek brothers and sisters by sharing their time, treasures, and talents with these organizations. This award honors the late Mr. James Wilkinson, University of Montevallo Staff Emeritus.


Mr. Wilkinson, “Deano”, not only played a large part in helping to build Greek life on campus during his career, but his involvement continued even after his retirement. Throughout his life, Deano positively touched the lives of thousands of UM alumni.


  • Nominees must be/have been a member of a Greek organization (or social club that preceded the Greek organization) that is (or has been) active on the campus of the University of Montevallo;
  • Must have shown loyalty and dedication to the Greek organization, either by serving as an advisor, mentor, or volunteer with the undergraduate chapter;
  • Nominations may be made posthumously;
  • Three letters of endorsement must accompany the nomination form;
  • At least one endorsement should be from an individual who is currently or who has served in an alumni advisor or undergraduate officer capacity for the undergraduate chapter;
  • Nominations may be made posthumously;
  • Three letters of endorsement must accompany the nomination form;
  • At least one endorsement should be from an individual who is currently or who has served in an alumni advisor or undergraduate officer capacity for the undergraduate chapter;
  • Other supporting documentation may be also submitted and is strongly encouraged.

Nomination Process: 

  • Nominations are accepted year round with a deadline of September 7 prior to the award presented at the Greek Alumni Reunion;
  • The Alumni Awards Nomination Form must be submitted electronically;
  • Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.

Selection Process

  • Submissions will be reviewed and voted on by the Greek Alumni Advisory Committee prior to September 30 of each year.
  • There is no limit to the number of recipients per year.
  • The GAAC may use discretion to determine the number of award recipients dependent on the number and quality of nominees.

Award: The award will be presented each year in conjunction with the Greek Alumni Reunion in form of a perpetual plaque to be housed at the University of Montevallo.
